Monday, June 24, 2013


Through all the research that we completed regarding our diagnosis I decided to give acupuncture a try.  It is along the lines of the natural path that we were taking.  I will be honest, I was very nervous going in to my first appointment.  I do not like needles at all!

Dr L was very sweet and explained everything to me.  The first thing she did was review the herbs/supplements I was taking.  Asked me about my diet and exercise.  She wanted to understand the whole body as one, which makes total sense to me.  When we were going to doctors they were just looking at one thing, my diagnosis, and how to get me a child.  What I have realized through this whole process is that I want to have complete health and not just "fix" one thing.

My first appointment she read my frequencies and showed me that I had substantial differences from side to side.  Specifically below my belly button.  She explained to me that meridians can get blocked and it is like an accident on the highway, it can have effects on the rest of your body.

She gave me homework to complete each day - rub the sides of right above my rib cage in small circular motions.  I do this each day when I am taking my pills so that I don't forget.

After reviewing my herbs/supplements she suggested I start taking vitamin D so I purchased that there and added it to my daily regimen.  What's one more pill?!

One other thing that was homework was for me to monitor my heart rate after I exercise.  After keeping record for a week I took it back to her and she told me what my "workout" heart rate should be based on my age and my resting beats per minute.  My goal is to get my heart rate at about 151 bpm while working out.

These are some of my points that she puts needles in.  The needles in my toes don't feel the best going in, but all the others you don't hardly even feel it.

I do have to say after being so scared of it I find it very relaxing. I fall asleep every time during the session and sleep very well the night after I have my treatment.  For the first few weeks I did one session a week and then graduated to every other week.

This is the board that she uses in the acupuncture room that shows the number of needles that have been inserted each time.

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