Monday, December 9, 2013

Snowed In

I live in Northwest Arkansas, some winters are good and some not so much. This winter, according to all the old wives tales is supposed to be a bad one. As soon as the weather channels start tracking a storm that is all the buzz in this area. Sometimes they are dead on and other times not even close with their snow fall amounts. This time was actually correct.

We started out with sleet for a few hours and then got about 8 inches of snow on top of that. Arkansas doesn't really have the equipment to keep up with the roads. I have been working from home since last Thursday. I get a lot of work done while I am at home, a lot less distractions.  

This is our baby, Kyzer.  In case you can't tell from his face he doesn't like the snow!

The snow is very pretty.  I was able to get out and scoop a path for the dog.  He is so spoiled!

Then I took pictures from the back of our house, while he stayed inside and enjoyed the warmth!

Cabin fever was starting to set in by Friday night so we decided to go the Razorback basketball game on Saturday.  We try to make it to most of the home games.  My father in law, brother in law, his friend and Benji and I went.  Even though it took us an hour and a half to get there, normally it is around 40 minutes, it was worth it to get out of the house!

Sunday we decided to get out again since we were running low on groceries.  We picked up my sister in law and niece and nephew to get them out of the house for a bit as well.  It is always fun to spend time with them.

It has been kind of nice to take a break from everyday life for a few days.  Especially around the holidays. 

This is my first year of being infertile around the holidays.  I am trying to make the best of it.  

I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing everyone's pictures and updates but it is hard to see that when you are told you can't have children. It makes it even more real. Everyone my age is pregnant, everyone has kids that they are snuggled up in their houses with and sledding with. And I am at home, not pregnant and with no kids. I have my "baby" but he doesn't talk back, which I guess that could be a good thing, ha! I don't say this to hurt anyone's feelings, just want to get all my emotions out there and be able to look back on this one day.  

Being snowed in does have its positives too, lots of time for trying to make babies! That is probably too much information for most of you but I am just keeping it real. So I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for our little miracle baby.

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