Friday, November 15, 2013

2nd week of Merciér Therapy

I made it through my 2nd week of the massage therapy.  I have really grown to love it and I look forward to going each day.

Karen and I talk the entire time of my massage, we have so much in common and share the same thoughts and ideas that it isn't even funny.  Sometimes I feel like she is my therapist too!

My last day of therapy for this week was Friday.  She mentioned that my ovaries when I started last week were very small, some of the smallest she had ever felt.  This wasn't a surprise to me because I had heard this from the doctors as well.

She gave me some great news that my ovaries were starting to feel much larger.  The left one especially.  The right one she is still able to find each time which is very promising to me.

Our goal is to get my cycle back and then once I have that back go from there in regards to getting pregnant.  I am also able to feel tingling/pain in that part of my abdomen which we both think of as a very good sign.

1 comment:

  1. This is great Nicole! You are doing a very good job explaining everything on your blog. :)
